Center yourself before a challenging conversation with this quick guided meditation by Matthew Bellows, featured on the Harvard Business School blog, to communicate more mindfully and effectively.

Observe Your Surroundings

So we’ve gotten into the room early. We’ve set it up in a way that we feel like it’s clean. The whiteboards are clean and sort of settled.

So then I just want you to sit in your chair. If you’d like, you can sit upright, you could sit, relax. It doesn’t really matter. But the most important thing is just to bring your awareness away from your brain. 

Close your Eyes and Bring Your Awareness to Your Body

You could close your eyes if it helps you bring your awareness from your head down into your body—into your heart

  • What does your chest feel like right now?
  • Is it tight? Or is it loose? What does it feel like? Just whatever that is.

And then bring your awareness down to your belly.

  • What does that feel like?
  • Can you actually feel your body breathing?
  • Do you feel your belly and your chest expanding and contracting?

Next bring your awareness to your seat, which is like your foundation.

  • Can you feel your seat?
  • How do your hips feel?
  • Can you feel your buttocks?

Taking just a few minutes to really focus on your physical body and your breath can alter your perspective, broadening your awareness from your mind to your whole body.

For the full article, check out the original post.