Boost your confidence and settle your nerves before a social situation so you can be yourself and connect more authentically with this pep talk by Carrie Suwal.


Hello beautiful soul,

Thank you for taking the time to listen to this before you put yourself out there in the world.

You are a special soul,

Who is sensitive,

Who is empathic,

And who needs to take a little extra time to prepare yourself before entering into the field of others.

I’m here to remind you of a few things to help prepare you,

And help you transform social anxiety into social excitement and acceptance.

There is only one you,

There are no two souls alike on this planet,

And that is a gift.

You do not need to conform,

Or shift,

Or minimize your authentic beautiful self.

You need to shine it,

You need to empower it,

And simply be it,

Be you.

Whoever that is,

And however you are feeling in each moment,

That is your gift to this planet.

You are gifting your essence with others when you show up fully unfiltered and raw.

Some days that’s going to be you in your joy,

In your bliss,


And some days that might be you while you aren’t feeling so great.

It is all a gift,

And the world is excited to receive you.

Whether that’s a gift for someone in receiving your joy and uplifting them,

Or a gift for someone to hold space for you,

To share their love for you,

And support you on your journey.

Maybe it’s a gift in you being an example for other people,

And letting them know that it’s okay to be as you are,

Because it is.

You may not even know who you are,

But it’s not something you need to know,

It’s just something you need to honor and be.

It is shifting and changing in every moment and every situation,

And it is never wrong or shameful or bad,

It simply is,

And you are a gift when you honor yourself.

I want you to feel that in this moment,

Say it out loud,

I am a gift,

And every time you show up and share yourself with the world,

You are blessing it with your beautiful energy and your beautiful self.

Do not hold back,

Do not extinguish your beautiful flame,

Enhance it,

Shine it,

Share it.

The world is ready for you.

Do not be afraid on picking up on others negativity or bad vibes,

You can allow it to simply move through you like the wind.

You only pick it up if it’s something you choose to pick up,

It is not yours unless you claim it.

Do not cling to it or another’s energy,

All you are responsible for is your own energy.

How do you want to show up today and in this moment?





And peaceful?

Connect to that now.

Connect to your desire of how you want to show up right now.

Let a few words come to mind about how you want to show up and speak them out loud now.

Give them truth and empower them.


You got this.

If in doubt or you’re feeling heavy in a situation,


Take a break,

Listen to this practice again and tune in to yourself and your truth,

Who you are at your core.

You got this.

I’m sending you so much love,

You beautiful spiritual warrior.

Check out the original post on InsightTimer.

Explore more by Carrie Suwal on Healing Earth Therapy.