Follow along with this simple practice (perfect for you and your little one) to foster feelings of gratitude and appreciation for all that your body does for you.

Body Appreciation Hug by Ryann Nicole


Thank you MIND for allowing me to think, learn, change, grow.

I appreciate you.

Thank you ARMS for allowing me to hug, carry, hold, create.

I appreciate you.

Thank you TUMMY for allowing me to laugh, bend, stretch, digest.

I appreciate you.

Thank you LEGS for allowing me to run, walk, jump, play.

I appreciate you.

Thank you BODY for allowing me to be here after everything we’ve been through.

I appreciate you.

Thank you SELF for showing up today and prioritizing you.

I appreciate you.

For more resources and to connect with Ryann, visit her website.

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Check out The Food Freedom Lab podcast for conversations on all things health and wellness with some mega-uplifting and easy-to-implement tools.