Make distributing tasks with your partner like a game with this card deck based on the book Fair Play, designed to promote better communication and balance in the home. 

How To Play The Fair Play Deck

Ground Rules:

  1. All time is created equal.
  2. Do not keep score.
  3. Collaborate and communicate.

How To Play:

  1. Build your deck together.
  2. Deal the cards based on capability and availability. When you “own” a card, you’re in charge of conception, planning, and execution.
  3. Discuss the Minimum Standard of Care (an agreed-upon expectation for how to complete a task).
  4. Claim your unicorn space (time to fulfill your interests and passions).
  5. Have regular check-ins and give feedback. Redeal at any time.

Purchase the card deck for a tangible version to enjoy and play with. Visit the Fair Play website to access the online version of the cards.