Embrace our shared humanity to transform your relationships and foster a more compassionate community for yourself and your family with these tips from Dr. Rick Hanson. Below is a brief summary of the article. Check out the original post to read the full article.

Who’s outside your circle?



Humans have evolved over millennia to care for their in-group (“us”) while fearing or opposing outsiders (“them”). This tribal instinct, now amplified by modern technologies like social media, fuels division in our politics, workplaces, and even personal relationships.

To counter this, we can recognize our shared humanity: everyone desires happiness, fears pain, and faces loss. By seeing these commonalities, we ease tensions, connect more authentically, and engage more effectively—even with those we deeply disagree with.


Take time to notice when your mind groups people as “us” or “them” and how this affects your thoughts and actions. Practice seeing the common humanity in others, even those very different from you, by recognizing their joys and struggles are like your own.

Gradually widen your sense of connection, starting with those you naturally include, and extending it to those you might dislike or mistrust. Building these bridges helps open your heart, release defensiveness, and create a greater sense of peace and shared understanding.

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