Simple Daily Mindfulness Activity

If you’re short on time, use this simple 5-minute mindfulness activity by Discovery in Action that helps us reflect on the day and look forward to tomorrow.

Below, you’ll find a brief description of this practice. To see the full description on how to complete this simple daily mindfulness activity, check out the original post here.

  1. Today’s high. Think about all the positives that occurred during the day.
  2. Today’s low. Think what didn’t go well and what you could do differently next time.
  3. Today’s smile.  Consider who or what made you smile today. Also think about what made you feel proud today.
  4. About tomorrow. Think about what you are looking forward to tomorrow.

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More Resources for Awareness:

The Feeling Wheel

The Feeling Wheel

Use this helpful wheel of emotions to put words to how you’re feeling, allowing you to better understand and work through these emotions.