Task, Trust, and Talk

Task, Trust, and Talk

Asking for help might not come easy, but as a parent, it’s an important skill to help you prioritize your and your child’s well-being. Follow this three-step method to build trust and practice sharing the load.  1. Task Find a task that someone could help with...
Recognize Signs of Hyper-Independence

Recognize Signs of Hyper-Independence

Have you heard of the saying “Too much of a good thing can be a bad thing”? Well, this holds true even for self-sufficiency and independence. When we cross the line from healthy independence to hyper-independence, our well-being can take a hit.  Do you resonate...
After the Argument: How to Begin Again

After the Argument: How to Begin Again

Come back together after a disagreement with these simple activities by Dr. Cheryl Fraser that help you and your partner reconnect.  The Do-Over When you mess up, do it over, and do it better. Sometimes I call this a “Love Mulligan.” I’m not a golfer, but apparently,...
Me (and My Partner’s) Strengths

Me (and My Partner’s) Strengths

Enhance teamwork by identifying the strengths that you and your partner bring to the relationship, using this worksheet by the National Extension Relationship & Marriage Education Network.  This is one of two pages of the handout. Download the PDF for the full...