Take a few minutes to center yourself with these mindful breathing exercises by Calm Sage, designed to steady your mind and restore balance in any situation.

Here’s a snapshot of the breathing exercises mentioned. For more in-depth guidance, check out the original post.

1. Starfish Breathing

Spread out your fingers wide like a starfish. Use a finger from your other hand to trace around each finger. As you trace up, take a deep inhale. Pause at the fingertip, then exhale as you trace down. Keep going until you feel calm and relaxed.

2. Mountain Breathing

As you begin to inhale through your nose, raise your arms as high as you can, bringing your palms together above your head — stretch tall like a mountain! As you exhale through your mouth, gently lower your hands to rest in front of your chest. Take deep, slow breaths, reaching a little higher with each inhale. Repeat this movement as many times as you need, until you feel the tension start to melt away.

3. Bunny Breathing

Take three quick sniffs in through your nose, then release one long, steady exhale through your nose. Once you get comfortable with the rhythm, start slowing down each inhale and exhale, gradually making your breaths deeper and more relaxed.

4. Bubble Breathing

Picture all your worries and everything weighing on your mind. Now imagine each concern as a bubble. As you inhale, hold your breath briefly, then exhale slowly, as if you’re blowing out a delicate bubble. Watch these bubbles drift away, carrying your stress and tension with them. With each slow breath, focus on releasing another worry-filled bubble, letting your body grow more relaxed and calm with each exhale.

5. Flower And Candle

Make a fist with your right hand, imagining you’re holding a candle. Then, form a fist with your left hand, picturing a flower. Take a slow, deep inhale, as if breathing in the sweet scent of the flower. Then, gently exhale, imagining you’re blowing out the candle with a soft, steady breath. Focus on the sensations, truly feeling like you’re actually inhaling the floral scent and blowing the candle out.

6. Balloon Breathing

Cup your hands around your mouth as if you’re about to blow up a big balloon. Take a deep breath in through your nose, and as you exhale slowly through your mouth, imagine the balloon expanding. Move your hands outward, visualizing the balloon growing with each exhale. Pause for a moment, then inhale deeply and spread your hands further with each slow exhale, making the balloon bigger and bigger. Once your balloon is as big as it can be, gently sway from side to side as you imagine releasing it into the sky. Watch it float away, carrying your worries and stress with it, leaving you feeling relaxed.

7. Bumblebee Breathing

Sit comfortably, ideally in a cross-legged position. Gently place the tips of your index fingers in your ears and close your eyes. Inhale deeply through your nose, then as you slowly exhale, hum softly, feeling the gentle vibrations. Repeat, focusing on your breath and the calming sensation of the hum.

8. Color Mindfulness

Sit in a quiet space, close your eyes, release any tension in your muscles, and let go of lingering stress. Focus on your breathing. As you inhale, imagine a calming color filling your lungs, bringing you peace. With each exhale, visualize a deep red color leaving your body, symbolizing the release of stress and tension. Continue this pattern, breathing in calm and breathing out stress, until you feel completely relaxed and at ease.

9. Ocean Breathing

Sit comfortably and take a deep breath in through your nose for a count of five, expanding your lower belly as your lungs fill with air. Hold for a count of three. Then, exhale slowly through your nose for a count of seven, allowing your belly to gently draw inward toward your spine as your lungs empty. Repeat this process, gently tightening the back of your throat to create a soothing sound like ocean waves.

10. Rainbow Breathing

Find a comfortable spot to lie on your back. Stretch your arms out to the sides, palms facing up, and fingers extended. Take slow, deep breaths in through your nose, then exhale gently. As you exhale, lift your arms in an arch, like forming a rainbow, bringing your hands toward each other. Hold for a moment as you inhale, imagining the colors of a rainbow. Repeat, breathing in through your nose, lowering your arms, and resting your hands back on the floor.

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