Check out this simple, go-to guide packed with effective strategies to manage stress and emotions with ease.
In the world of instant gratification that we live in today, it’s easy to fall trap to quick (but unhealthy) ways to cope with stress. Avoiding harmful forms of stress relief centers around finding healthier ways to decompress that align more with our values.
Exercising to Relax
Discover how physical activity can serve as a powerful tool for relaxation and stress relief, helping you unwind and maintain emotional balance.
15-Minute Yoga Practice
Shake out the stress and tension that builds up in your body with this 15-minute yoga flow and stretch session — perfect for staying active even on busy days.
Urge Surfing
Ride the wave of difficult emotions with this mindful technique to help you acknowledge urges and act intentionally.
Sober and Serene: Navigating Parenting With a Clear Mind
Embrace the clarity and focus that developing a healthier relationship with alcohol brings to your parenting journey.
Take Care of Yourself
Explore different ways to practice self-care and incorporate them into your hectic schedule with this handy worksheet.
Journaling To Increase Your Self-Awareness
Reflect inwards with these thought-provoking journaling prompts for the day, week, or month.
Self-Reg: How to Help Your Child (and You) Break the Stress Cycle and Successfully Engage with Life
To help both you and your child manage stress, this book offers practical tools to break the stress cycle and make life feel more manageable.
The Angry Mom’s Guide to Self-Regulation
Parenting can be frustrating! Get practical tips to manage your anger, so you can stay patient and present with your little ones.
Finding Your Calm
Master the art of keeping your cool, while also teaching your kids how to regulate their emotions by leading by example.
Break Free From Reactive Parenting
This practical guide helps you Identify and understand your triggers to parent with intention rather than blinded by emotion.
Guided Discovery Worksheet
Dive into this interactive worksheet to uncover new insights and perspectives to guide you toward more positive thoughts.
Calming the Emotional Storm
Harness the power of DBT to ride the emotion waves of your personal life and your parenting journey with more ease.
A Parent’s Guide to Self-Regulation
Parent with more confidence by learning to manage your emotions and stay cool under pressure.
10 Nature Connection Activities
Use the power of nature to quiet the noise of your parenting brain and embrace your “you time”.