3-Minute Body Scan Meditation

While there are many specific meditation techniques that can be used to help us find stability of mind and cultivate mindfulness over time, one of the most accessible practices is a body scan meditation, during which you bring attention to your body, noticing different sensations, as you mentally scan down, from head to toe.

Try this three-minute body scan from Headspace

Sitting comfortably, take a deep breath in through the nose, and out through the mouth. As you breathe out, close the eyes. Notice how the body feels right now. Starting at the top of the head, gently scan down through the body, noticing what feels comfortable and what feels uncomfortable. Remember, you’re not trying to change anything, just noticing how the body feels as you scan down evenly and notice each and every part of the body, all the way down to the toes.

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More Resources for Awareness:

The Feeling Wheel

The Feeling Wheel

Use this helpful wheel of emotions to put words to how you’re feeling, allowing you to better understand and work through these emotions.