Learn the game-changing technique of reframing your thinking, as outlined by Mind My Peelings, to promote a more positive and balanced mindset.
Below, you’ll find a brief summary of the six steps to challenge negative thoughts. Check out the original article for a detailed explanation.
1. Recognize and Isolate the Thought
When an automatic negative thought comes up, pause and try to separate the thought from who you are. When you’re on the outside looking in, you have an opportunity to challenge it.
2. Write Down Your Thought
It can be difficult to pull yourself out of the thinking trap. Writing down your thought helps you process your thoughts and emotions.
3. Identify the Distress Level
From 0 to 10, rank the distress level of the automatic negative thought based on how it makes you feel. Zero means you feel no distress and ten means that the distress is extreme and paralyzing.
4. Identify the Cognitive Distortion
Cognitive distortions are thinking patterns that influence irrational negative thoughts and feelings. Identify the cognitive distortion with help from this list.
5. Challenge and Reframe Negative Thinking
Here are some ways to work through negative thoughts:
- Challenging and refuting negative thoughts.
- Modifying our language and internal dialogue
- Replacing negative distortions with positive healthy thoughts
- Writing down the more reasonable reframed thought
6. Reevaluate the Distress Level
After challenging and reframing the negative thought, take a moment to reassess your distress level. If you’re feeling better, you’ve successfully shifted away from that thought. If not, you can always repeat the exercise. Even if changing your thinking isn’t always possible, with practice, you can learn to recognize negative thinking traps and gradually shift toward a more positive mindset.
Here’s a worksheet to help you put this into action: